"Empowering your potential through expert guidance"

The concept of insurance is very simple to understand. You pay a monthly or yearly fee to the insurance company to insure your life, health, vehicle, property etc for a certain period. In return, the insurer pays for the financial damages in case of any harm to the insured person or object. So you are transferring the risk of a financial loss you might experience due to life’s uncertainties to an insurance company for a small fee. For example, if you meet with a car accident and need to be hospitalized. Your health insurance policy will cover the medical costs for hospitalization. And, your car insurance will pay for the damages to your car. Meanwhile, if you die during the accident, your family will receive a lump sum amount for your term insurance.
Is insurance an asset?
Depending on the type of life insurance policy and how it is used, permanent life insurance can be considered a financial asset because of its ability to build cash value or be converted into cash. Simply put, most permanent life insurance policies have the ability to build cash value over time.
Benefits of Insurance
Cover against Uncertainties.
Cash Flow Management.
Investment Opportunities.
You get tax benefits.
Our mission
To become the most admired and trusted upon insurance companies in India, by keeping up with all the promises that we make to you, our customers, by providing the most convenient dealing process, creating sustainable values, and empowering all our employees.
Our vision
When you think about Consulting Crew Insurance, think of a company which aims to help people live safer, with more security. To go beyond what other health insurance companies or the car insurance companies in India might offer; to become an attentive and empathetic insurer of choice for the citizens of the country.